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Re PBS, Buffalo, New
York ~ August 7, 2000
Hi everyone,
While I didn't get to go to see him live last night, like so many other
lucky ones did, I DID volunteer at the Buffalo station downtown, and it was
PHENOMENAL! I had the BEST time there! And it was a GOOD thing
I went, too! I was the ONLY fan club member, and they knew it when I
got there. I had my tour shirt on from last year, so they really
liked that for the cameras. They had me on television at least 10
times telling how I went to see him last year and how I'm going again this
year. They really played it up, and it helped them sell the products
and get pledges in. And the BEST thing about me being there to help
out was being able to actually CLUE them in about Michael! AND the
volunteers themselves! It gave them more ammunition to throw at the
viewers to get more pledges and my telling the WHOLE place about Michael
and what he's done helped the volunteers be more knowledgeable in talking
to the people on the phones. I had two people actually UP their
pledges to me by $50.00 each just because they liked talking to me and how
much I knew and was into Michael! I know they raised a TON of money
from him. I won't tell just how many of my family members I FORCED into
pledging during that hour and a half, but it was QUITE extensive!
They love me! LOL! And all the other volunteers, myself
included, had every one of our pledges during Michael's showing, tell how
great his voice was! And Sarah Brightman was on right before and
Michael Junior before that, and some people said it was the BEST night of
television they have EVER had! So it all went well, and Michael is
QUITE liked, especially the Canadians! TONS of Canadians called in!
Our station broadcasts past Toronto, so the viewing area is quite
extensive. Michael needs to come HERE in person if he wants to make a
killing! The S. Brightman show had a REAL seller! For $300, you
got TWO tickets, best seats in the house, to Sarah's new tour in Toronto,
BEFORE they even are on sale! We sold out! If Michael comes on
tour here, all he has to do, to make sure there's a full house, is
sell blocks of tickets to PBS! NO PROBLEM! We had to turn
people down, we had so many pledges from that! I'd go work the
station again, just because! Food is catered by a big fancy
restaurant EVERY day, and you meet GREAT people down there and have a
blast! If he's on more next week, I'll go again!
Have fun at all the stations with Michael everyone! I'll be seeing
him live in Detroit on Wednesday! Can't wait! And those who
can't go to a live taping.....GO HELP YOUR LOCAL STATIONS! It REALLY
helps Michael's cause with real fans they can point to in the audience and
to help them sell.
Darlene Beckett

Night Michael Captured New York

Elaine Matzen ~ New York ~ August 9, 2000
Hi Jackie,
For the past year, I have been hearing from people lucky
enough to have seen and met Michael in person. I have been a fan of
his ever since The Tenth Anniversary Concert of Les Miserables, and have
enjoyed every minute of The 50th Andrew Lloyd Webber Celebration and Hey
Mr. Producer. I was always stunned and inspired by his amazing
When I heard that he would be in New York City, and that his
concert would be on PBS, I was so excited. Finally Michael would get
the recognition he deserved here on the other side of the Atlantic. I
couldn't wait until the magical night that I would see Michael on my
television for his very own concert.
I found out that I had a final on that night, but I knew I
wouldn't let that stop me. I programmed the show, and was counting
the minutes until I could see
him (and also until my final was over, of course).
I got home that night, and immediately rewound my tape to
display "Michaelness." I already own the CD to this
concert, so I thought that I knew everything that would happen.
Boy, was I wrong. I already knew about his incredible
vocal talents and energetic performances, but I was not expecting his
charming and cute self. His "dimple action," I must say,
was definitely part of that. I was laughing and smiling throughout
the commercials, which is not something many people can say. What I
normally fast-forward through (those advertisers that I could shoot for so
much repetition) I actually found myself anxiously waiting for.
He is really something, and I would have LOVED to be in that
station where I could see him and meet him in person. As I was
watching, however, his persona
and charm seemed to come through the TV and hit me right in my room.
I understood, finally, what all of those people I have been talking to were
saying about
His stories were really wonderful, and I was very impressed
with him. He was funny and kind, and I loved the parts when he would
speak to the camera (and
the viewers) when the phone rang. His remembrances of how he started
out in musicals was also very interesting to hear. His accent was
adorable, and his
involvement with the volunteers was great to see.
All in all, Michael came across as funny, charming,
intelligent, sincere, and caring, things that many people as popular as he
is don't seem to be. Thank you Michael, for all of those qualities
that make it so easy to love you and look up to you. I enjoyed this
program, and hope that there are MANY more like it in the near future!
Elaine Matzen

Night Michael Captured New York ~ reply

A very special friend of mine once told me that
"sharing one moment of your life in the presence of Michael, and being
touched by his very beauty, is to be blessed with the greatest gift that
life can bestow upon you. A gift that will capture your heart, and a
gift that will live within your heart for always." She also told
me that "Sharing that moment in time is your greatest honor, and to
hold the moment forever, for this is the night that memories are made
of." She also told me that "Michael will change your life
I've never forgotten those words that I've just quoted to you, the lady
that said them wrote them for me on the very first night that I ever
saw Michael perform, I guess those of you who have seen Michael will
understand them like I now do, but I thought about them today knowing
some people were going to be meeting or seeing Michael for the first time,
as those people return home
tonight they will probably understand them now too.
So this was the night that Michael came to New York, and Michael brought us
memories that we will never forget, but Michael leaves New York not only
having made his mark, he leaves with something of his own, the hearts of
the City that he won over tonight.
I will end my note as I started, one more quote from someone who can sum up
Michael better than I ever could "It will be a night when dreams come
true, a night of magic, the magic that is Michael"
For New York tonight it was! Thank you Michael from America.

from Jayne in Pennsylvania
From Jayne Childs ~ Pennsylvania
~ August 14, 2000
Hello Everybody
I just had to share this. I work in a school as a teacher's aide and
went there today to help set up for the new student orientation at the end
of this week. Well I of course took my Detroit PBS pictures and was
showing them around. The principal of the school started looking at
them and when she got to the first one of Michael she said and this is a
direct quote " Oh my Oh my!! There is a God!! No wonder
you go ga-ga over him. Can I have a copy of this? I will put it
on my desk. It will certainly wake me up in the morning."
And the best part of the story is the principal is a nun with 35 years in
the sisterhood.

I have written to
all the stations to thank them for helping to introduce our Michael to
America. I do encourage everyone to do the same as it might remind
them to keep showing the video and to have him back if possible. We are on
a mission, are we not??? :-)
Linda Z

Hi Linda
I talked to WLIW by phone today when they called me. I was
inquiring about getting a copy of the interview from Laura Savini (Metro
Guide) - Hopefully, I will get a positive answer back. Sherri
was wondering if he comes back to this area would we be interested in
going back. SILLY GIRL - I said we'd be there in a New York minute!
When I have more news I will send it on.

I was
scrolling through my TV channels this morning when I hear Michael singing
from the ALW birthday celebration on the PBS station. What a great
way to start Sunday morning and a very nice surprise.
This PBS station did not show Michael's video but at least is showing the
ALW video. I called to make a pledge and to tell them that they are
missing a wonderful show in Michael's video and proceeded to tell the
volunteer all about Michael. She said that she'd pass the word on to
the manager at the station. Well, at least I tried!
Take care!
Terri ~ California :)

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