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Our Thanks to
Shirley, Darlene Beckett, Katy, Mary
Greiner, & Sar Combetta
For sharing their Michael at PBS Detroit stories with

Shirley - Toronto, Canada ~ August 10, 2000
from the Washington DC Review Section
to driving down to Washington, the drive to Detroit was a breeze...only
about 3 hours. Finding the way to the studio itself was more
complicated due to some misleading directions but nonetheless, the
"Canadiana" contingent made it there safely :-)
Although the DC experience was great, Detroit was even better.
Michael did seem rather tired in DC and that's probably why he didn't spend
as much time with us as we would have liked. In Detroit, however, his
energy level seemed higher and the host was much more enthusiastic about
his presence. He seemed to be having a lot more fun.
My mom came with me this time and she had the best time of her life.
She loves Michael as much as I do...heck, she got one of his buttons before
I did! She commented that everyone she met was so nice and I agree
wholeheartedly. Without exception, everyone I met and talked to was
friendly and I had so much fun. I asked my mom what her impression of
Michael was, and she replied that he is "very warm and kind".
In the moments when he is taking a photo with you or signing an autograph,
he really seems to focus his attention on you...taking the time to smile
and look you directly in the eyes, say a few words...although it sounds
kinda corny, he really does make you feel special for that brief moment.
Thank you again to the kind soul who led the way back to the Canadian
border. I'm so sorry I didn't even ask your name!
Without doubt, this has been the best vacation I've ever had. My next
goal will be to see him in concert. And if everything turns out well,
perhaps I won't have to travel so far...here's hoping that Michael will
perform in the U.S. Of course, we also have some great venues in
Toronto too ;-)
Take care everyone,
Shirl :)
Shirley's Corner

Darlene Beckett - New York ~ August 9. 2000

courtesy of Darlene Beckett
on the picture to see it full sized.
I just got back from Detroit! I have SOOOOO much to tell!!!!
First off, I went there with my friend, Terri Ferguson, whom I've never met
face-to-face, but have been wanting to, since we have been writing to
each other for a long time. Well, Terri pulled in and we got on like
old 'friends', which is what we are anyways, just from talking all the time
on here. Hit the road by 9:30. Not sure how long to Detroit.
Many had told us all different answers.....we just hoped the lowest bid was
the best! LOL! Not long into the trip, we both were talking 90
miles an hour at each other, when low and behold, what should pop up on the
side of the road but a sign that said 'Balls Falls'!!!! We both
shouted and pointed it out at the same time saying, "We at least know
we're heading in the right direction!". We, as you can imagine,
were laughing hysterically. More Balls Falls episode to come
So pretty much the rest of the ride was uneventful and we got to Detroit in
only 4 1/2 hours. We took the LONG way,( thank you very much AAA for
sending us this way, by the way).....we would have been there at least
15-20 minutes sooner, and not seen a part of Detroit that they only show on
the television show Cops. (For all you people not familiar with the
show....this is where the cops take you with them in the car, and chase the
bad guys down and take the camera man's life in their hands as the camera
man runs after the bad guy with the gun, too, while filming it.) We
were s bit taken back by the area we would be staying in and where
the station was, but we were game. Valet parking, so we didn't have
to go out. Actually, it was a nice time at the hotel and the
adjoining mall. Anyways.....we met up with Nancy, Jayne, and Jill,
went to lunch, and passed the time away so we wouldn't sit around getting
all nervous. We get back, dress for the show right away, and leave..
Turns out it was a good pick of a hotel, cause it was right around the
block. We walk in and everyone else helping out, from the fan club,
was already there. We were the last ones in. They finally let
us get our chairs for the evening, told us what to do when you take
pledges, and we waited, and waited, and waited. Seemed like an
eternity. Then finally when it started getting time that Michael
would have to show up, he did. Not in person yet, but we got the call
from down one of the rows that ELVIS WAS IN THE BUILDING! Now the antiperspirants
were starting to not work well for anyone. I moved my chair a
bit farther away from Nancy and Jayne just in case. Jayne was a
wreck. She kept telling us she was so nervous she could spew or
something like that. Couldn't quite make it out, but I just moved my
chair even farther away. Finally, Michael BURSTS into the room, and
the loudest cheers, kind of like a concert he had given, went up.
Wasn't any lower in volume. Cameras flashing left and right. I
ran right up onto the stage, cause I was end seat, and I had the digital
camera for all the pics for Nancy's Ballpoint review she'll be doing, so I
HAD to the get GOOD ones. I have no bashfulness to me! Can you tell?
I got him coming in right between two cameras. And might I
add.....WHAT A GLORIOUS SHOT IT WAS!!! Michael had on a dark colored
, lightly pin-striped suit with that kind of hot pink open at the neck
shirt he likes to wear. Black lower-heeled shoes, and had his RING
BACK ON! (I touched the ring.....that's later!) HE LOST LOTS OF WEIGHT
AGAIN FOR THE SHOWS!! (Good for you, by the way, Michael!!!!)
Now the seats were 3 rows deep, and held 37 people. There were 35.
My 4 friends I came with and I were on the end of the front row, so Michael
was only about 8-10 feet in front of us when he was being interviewed....if
that. His hair was immaculate and he looked younger and fitter than
I'd seen him in other pics. He's definitely taking better care of
himself or something. Must be his not smoking that's helping and
possibly some good workouts. So Michael does the first interviews
with the television people, and goes off. We were pre-told he would
do all kinds of photos and autographs after the 2nd break, so we weren't
worried. Michael came back on once, the one woman told him she needed to
fix his microphone, which is attached under his coat above his butt, so
when he lifted his suit jacket up, RIGHT IN FRONT OF US ALL, cameras
exploded! Michael went back on air again, did some more, and
I'm not sure if this is when this had happened or during a later break, but
they handed out question cards for us to ask Michael for while he was on
air, and I snuck up one when they weren't there that asked him if I could
have a ride in his limo later! Well, he read it, asked who Darlene
was, and of course the whole place points directly at me, the culprit, and
he very cutely says with his hands held out to his side...."But they
only gave me a bicycle!". And I very calmly replied.....NO WAY!
I SEEN THE LIMO! And at that he just put an Oops!....Caught! look on
his face and continued on! He was cute! Oh, the limo was
another thing. All at once, everyone goes.....Quick, Darlene....GO
GET A PICTURE OF THE LIMO! (This was earlier!) They took me by
surprise, but I got up running for it! On the way out, Terri calmly
tells all "She sure can run like a gazelle!"! (Thanks,
Terri!...I think.) Anyways....the limo was just leaving, for all my
effort, and I missed it! &*&(*&*^ .
Well.....all during the show, Michael was winking at different people, and
making jokes, as usual, and at the last break or two, he came RIGHT between
the 1st and 2nd rows, which is MY seat and I have to let him in and out I
was thinking about never letting him out), and he actually answered phone
calls quite a bit himself! He took some by surprise, boy! He
bantered with the people on the phones and they really seemed to love that.
Michael finally got time to do all the autographs and pictures with
everyone. So we all got in line, and Michael signed all kinds of
stuff, we all got different things. Some hugs, some kisses, some
both. Michael was sweet as can be to all. We ran out of time
during the one break, and he promised to continue after, cause some of us
waited till the end to go. And he did! During my picture, he
put his arm around me and squeezed me in close, and I put my hand over his,
which is when I got to feel his ring! *Sigh* Jayne got a kiss
and hug, and all Jayne could do all night and all the next day was say
"Ya know what.....Michael kissed me!" Must have heard that
around 300 times. Jayne is so cute! Here's a good story.....My
mother always razzes me about Michael and purposely will call him
"Bill Ball", when she knows darn well his name is Michael.
So as a joke, when I got to get things autographed by Michael, I told him
my little story, and asked him if he would sign a Signal magazine that they
gave us, for free, that has his Live video's picture on it, 'Bill
Ball'.....and HE DID! So I presented this to my mother when I got
home and she thought it was the greatest! Terri had to come in
special just to see her reaction! Now she wants it framed! I
told her I WANT IT! Well.....I'll let her have it......
So Michael finally leaves us after tons of thunderous applauses, cheers and
thank you's, and we still have to hang around a bit longer for phone duty.
We found out later that Michael's show took in $15,500, which they were
looking for $20,000, but lowered it to $16,000 since he was new, but wasn't
quite there. Someone asked if they would let him keep being played,
being that close, and they said probably since he WAS that new. So
that was good. Besides, he really WAS close, and all that had called
in RAVED about him! We had people calling in that told us they
had NO money, but they just HAD to call and tell us how wonderful Michael
was! One woman, Amelia, was almost crying! *sniff, sniff*
Later, we all went back to the St. Regis hotel, which is where we stayed,
and had QUITE the loud group. We know this because the person next door was
knocking on our door not long after asking us to quiet down. We did
MOST of the time from then on, but it was just SO HARD not to get
excited and just talk loud to each other sometimes! You know how it
is when talking Michael! So finally, our night came to a LATE end,
and we all did the usual hugs and good-by for now's, and went to bed.
I couldn't sleep, even though exhausted, but at least I could lay down for
a while before the long ride home.
OK....this was the BEST part.....on the way home the plan was to get a
picture of Balls Falls, from when we passed it the day before. This
was Terri's job while I drove. Simple request, you'd think, but OH,
NO!.....Terri had to bungle yet another Michael picture. We're driving down
the road, thinking we MUST have passed it, and all of a sudden, low and
behold, there it is! Too late! Missed the picture. Well
on the way there, I noticed in my rearview mirror that the sign for it
wasn't there on the other side, so I figured the signs must be staggered
from each other and not directly across the highway. So I'm
like....."Quick!!!! Get into the back seat!!!!" And
Terri's like "WHAT?" And I say " Get in the back with
the camera, open the window, DON'T lost the camera, and stick your head
out, take the picture of it going the other way!" So Terri
obeys her commander, and not so gracefully gets into the back seat.
She takes the picture. Now I'm ASSUMING she got the picture.
So Terri then proceeds to climb BACK into the front seat. Well,
graceful as a gazelle, she's not. Contortionist, yes. How some
parts of her body got mixed with other parts of her body that don't go
together, is beyond me. One leg was in the front, along with a head,
but no body and other leg. I don't get it. Lots of grunting
going on, but I just didn't want to know. I was driving after all!
LOL! So this goes on for a minute or two. She must have tried 40
different ways to get back into her seat. Feet first, head first,
head and feet first....you name it, she tried it. Finally she
succeeded, not before she nearly pushed me out the car door with one of her
contortionist moves. Then she calmly says " Gee, the hole was
soooo much bigger on the way TO the back seat!" Like the seat
opening changed. So, OK.....so she's back and buckled in, and we want to
see the picture! Now this was supposed to have been an easy task..
Just aim, press the button, and Wala! You're SUPPOSED to get a
picture of what you were aiming at. Well, obviously her aim is off,
cause all we got was a lovely picture of a meadow and the side pillar post
behind my car window, cutting off 1/3 of the lovely meadow. For
anyone that wants to see a bit of the Canadian landscape.....I have a
lovely picture of it. We laughed so hard over all this. We just
got into a traffic jam, and the people in the cars next to us must have
wondered what we were on! The looks we were getting!
Well, we finally made it back to my house, and Terri and I had to say
good-bye. I MUST say, it was THE best time I've had yet with all the
fan members! I REALLY enjoyed it and meeting a few more that I didn't
know yet. And Michael and Phil were the BEST. Phil, I have to
add, was REALLY nice. Easy to talk to. I know, cause I did for
just a bit. You'd all like him if you have never met him before.
Well, I must be off. I'll bet you're all glad! LOL!
Take care,
Darlene Beckett

From Katy ~
Michigan ~ August 9, 2000
Hallo everyone!!!
WOW, WOW!! I don't know what else to say! What a fantastic evening.
I won't recap the whole night, because some others already have, but I
still have to add my input of course!! First how nice it was to meet
so many of you!! IT was so amazing to connect with other fans... when
you're in the United States, you tend to feel alone in your love for
Michael, despite the lists and such. The volunteer worker there had said he
worked at PBS for 10 years, and never has seen a better group of fans in
all that time... he was really impressed! More power to all of you guys
there for that!
Sigh... Michael. How fabulous and amazing and oh I wish I knew how to
describe him, but he really is indescribable. Adorably funny and full of
energy! I'm looking through all my pictures and I still can't quite believe
it! Now all I have to do is find a way to capture his voice on camera... so
maybe that wouldn't really work, but I can settle for listening to him
forever and ever, of course!!!
particular point in the evening I must add, was when he came in and we were
all shouting out where we were from. One woman (I'm sorry I never heard
your name!) said "I'm from South Carolina!" Michael,
delighted with the southern accent, imitates with a high pitched and exact
accent, "Oh! You're from S. Carolina! I love accents!!" I
thought it was particularly cute, knowing how much most Americans adore
British accents!!
So much to share yet, but if I did my letter would
last for days! Wonderful meeting you all! Have fun to those who are
already on their way to meet Michael!!
Katy Ü
P. S. Hi there!
had one more little story to add that I found rather cute! My dad, praise
his soul, was kind enough to help me with rides to Detroit. He was waiting
in the lobby when our dear Michael arrived, trying to catch the RAH video.
Michael must have been checking in or something of that sort, when my dad
turned to him and pointed to the screen, asking "who's that
guy?" Michael, being the quick little cookie, caught on and
said, "I don't know, but he sure is sharp looking... in fact, someone
should come up to him and give him $150, just because he looks so
I thought it was
classic, and I had to share!!!
Katy Ü

Mary Greiner - Michigan, USA
12, 2000
Hi Jackie,
This is Mary Greiner
from Detroit. Sorry it has taken me this long to give you all my review. I
was not myself for the last 2 1/2 days!!!!! what can I tell you.
I've been bitten by
the Michael Ball virus, after seeing him Wednesday night at the Detroit PBS
show and actually meeting him!!!!!. I was so wound up I couldn't even sleep
that night, then I had to work the next day. I have been soooooooo tired.
It has taken me this long to recuperate.
We had such a
"ball" seeing Michael. Could he be any more
GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????? When I was reading
all the other reviews from previous nights, everyone kept saying that he
looks even better in person. How was that possible.???? Believe me, it's
true. He just takes your breath away.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was so cute, and
soooooo charming, very witty. I was surprised I wasn't that nervous when it
was finally my turn to meet him. I really didn't get to say much to him
though. I had thought of a hundred things I wanted to say to him but do you
think I could remember any of it. I told him how much we love him and he is
the best singer I have ever heard. Phil used my camera and took our
picture. He signed my copy of the RAH video, and I also had a photo of the
Royal Albert Hall that my son had taken for me when he was over in England
last summer. He made a cute comment about the RAH, but damn if I can
remember what it was. He smelled soooo good too. I was going to ask him
what he was wearing but didn't.
I had the best time
meeting all the girls that came to take pledges too. I don't know what it
is about Michael that just draws us to him. But the thousands of people
that adore him can't be all bad. After talking with several of the girls,
it seemed like we had known each other for ages. We just have that
camaraderie. I never realized there were so many of Michaels fans here in
the States. I hope all the pledges did well enough so that the possibility
of Michael doing a concert here in the States is a reality.
I am going to e-mail
one of my favorite Radio Stations here in Detroit and ask them to please
start playing some of Michaels recordings. I'm sure they get advanced
copies before they are released in the stores.
I know this doesn't
seem like much of a review, but everyone has already said so much. I can't
really add too much more to it other than it's one of the most exciting
things to happen to me in a long while. I was telling some of the girls
that I hadn't been this excited about meeting anybody since I went to see
the Beatles in concert back when I was about 12 in 1965!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I
know, I'm dating myself) but its true.
I could go on and
on, but I better sign off. I do hope Michael comes back here soon. I
already miss him, sniff sniff. HE IS THE GREATEST!!!!!!!!!
Bye All, Love, Mary
Greiner from Detroit

From Sar
Combetta - Michigan, USA
Well, I
just got home from the Detroit PBS showing, and am still in a state of
shock, LOL! What can I say? Tonight was truly amazing.
I was having nervous attacks all day at work (like I could concentrate,
LOL). We got there about 4 and a half hours before Michael was do to
enter the studio, and everyone was fidgety. We got our phone training
and took pledges for a few other shows (what were they again? I can't
Michael was in the studio for about an hour before we got to see him. The
show started, and the first pledge break came up. No Michael to be
seen. I think something might have gotten mixed up, because he wasn't
there right away. It seemed like Diane (the PBS announcer) was
stalling a bit.
But suddenly, in walked Michael, to much clapping and cheering. The
camera swung around and they showed him coming in. He came over to us
and shook a few people's hands in the front row, and greeted Diane.
We was wearing a light pink shirt and a black pin-striped suit (it looks
plain black on the tape). He looked gorgeous, but you all were
expecting as much, right? It is true, that he's even better looking
in person. Wow. It took a few minutes to register that he was
actually there, standing in front of me. Michael was extremely warm
and friendly, and SO nice. He didn't look tired at all, and was very
There's so much I want to say, but this will be a 15 page email if I go
into every little detail. Here's some highlights: He sang a bit
of All I Ask of You (wouldn't you know, I was on the phone at the time,
darn it!). He talked to people on the phones (that was so
cute!!)...during which he was in front of me for a lot of the time.
At one point, *directly* in front of me....no, not going to say it!
He was very nice about taking pictures and signing autographs. It's
so distracting when he looks into your eyes while talking to you (and boy,
are his eyes blue!!). He smells great, too (sorry, he does!).
This was an absolutely amazing night. I can't believe it's over
already. I'm watching the tape right now, and can't believe I was
there. Never did I dream that Michael would be 15 minutes from my
house. He was every bit as wonderful as I had hoped, and 100 times
more so. I am now re-enthralled with him all over again, and so much
more stronger.
Thank you Michael, for making a truly magical evening for all of us--one
that we will never forget!
P.S. I'm so excited right now, please forgive the distracted-ness of
this e-mail! I'm sure someone else from our group will write a much
more eloquent one soon!

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