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After reading the PBS Feedback from some
of those who heard back from their local PBS stations, I thought it might
be worth-while preserving as many as I could -- to perhaps help in future
campaigns to bring Michael to American TV, theatre, Carnegie Hall or an
American concert tour. Perhaps it might help those of you in other
lands who hope to lure him to your country too. :-)

Forwarded by Maria Rose Ricasa
Hi everyone,
I am forwarding for your info a message from Millicent Williamson
(Volunteer Supervisor for MPT). I sent roses to her and the producer, Linda
Taggart, of MPT (Maryland). I also sent roses to Christine Wolski of
WETA (DC PBS). The roses were to express our gratitude for welcoming
all of us and for their efforts.

From: Millicent Williamson [mailto:millicent_williamson@ccmail.mpt.org]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 4:58 PM
To: MRICASA@imf.org
Subject: Re:Picture and Tape - Michael Ball PBS event
It's been a very long time since anyone has sent me roses....... they are
beautiful as was your card. I shared it with many here at MPT.
Thank you.
I so glad that you all had a wonderful time at MPT. We really enjoyed
having the fan club to answer phones. It was also a wonderful
experience to meet Michael Ball.
Take care and I hope to see you again real soon!
Millicent Williamson
Volunteer Supervisor
Maryland Public Television
Phone: 410-581-4149 Fax: 410-581-4304

From: Christine Wolski [mailto:cwolski@weta.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 4:28 PM
To: MRICASA@imf.org
Subject: Re: WETA - Michael Ball
Thank you so much for the beautiful roses. What a most delightful
surprise. Not only did I get to meet Michael Ball, but I met a great group
of people too!
Thanks again,
Christine Wolski
Manager of Volunteer Services
2775 South Quincy Street
Arlington, VA 22206

Forwarded by Janis --Re: Milwaukee PBS
I just thought I'd let you know that I received an
e-mail this morning from one of the people from our local PBS station
letting me know that our Milwaukee viewers have voted to have a repeat this
weekend of the Michael Ball concert.
I was really pleased to hear the news! I know
everyone at the station seemed very impressed with the concert, but it was
difficult to get any real idea of how the pledge drive was going. So,
any way, Milwaukee gets another chance to see Michael's concert tomorrow -
guess I might watch it again myself! :)
Regards - Janis

Forwarded by Pamela - RE: CPS
I noticed that CPTV did
not have Michael's video scheduled for a repeat, so sent an email to their
programming coordinator. I thought the group would be interested in
their answer (I received two email replies from the station, pasted below).
As you can see, Michael
thoroughly charmed their programming staff, who even included the fan club
web site in their response!
Hmmm...now that Michael has conquered Connecticut, world domination must be
- Pamela
Here's my email:
Dear CPTV:
I enjoyed Michael Ball's concert on Thursday immensely. What a great
example of the quality programming provided by PBS. Thank you for
bringing him to your studio for a live interview! His request
to "show me the money" led me to join CPTV as a first-time
When will the Royal Albert Hall program be rebroadcast? I did not see
it on your Program Guide page and would be disappointed if it were not
shown again.
Thank you for the information.
Their first response:
I am so glad you liked that show.
Everyone that was here Thursday night absolutely loved him. He was as
charming off the air as he was on. He has a very small but devoted
fan base that flew in from all over the country to see him and answer our
Unfortunately, the show was shown towards the end of the pledge drive and
there wasn't anywhere to put a repeat. We are going into days of the
Democratic Convention. Our next pledge drive is in December. I
am forwarding your email to the people who will make the schedule.
They will be thrilled you
joined because of him and will take note that you want to see it again.
Just in case you're interested, Michael Ball's website is www.mbfc.co.uk.
Thanks for watching, and joining.
And their second response:
Thank you for your kind comments about Michael Balls'
concert. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it as much as we
did......and the blithe spirit that he brought with him to our studio.
While we have no plans to rebroadcast in the next month or so, we hope to
air this concert again on tape including Michael Ball's appearance during
next on-air campaign in December.
Thank you for joining our membership family. If you ever have any
questions, please contact me at the station.
Vice President of Development

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