Having a BALL with Michael at MPT [Maryland Public Television] Photo courtesy of Whitney Anderson Click on photo to see full size Thanks to Becky Ford, Jaime Mills, Joni Arp and Whitney Anderson for sharing their special stories with us. From Becky Ford ~ Maryland, USA Michael Ball is one of the best singers in the world - well to me he is the best. I started liking him after I saw ALW'S 50th Birthday Celebration. From then on I found myself constantly on the Internet searching for anything about him, making deals with my mother to buy cd's, and practically asking anyone if they ever heard of him. But two years ago I never thought he would actually come to the U.S. much less me seeing him. I found out he was airing on PBS on rather short notice. I saw on his management's site the schedules and I was immediately thrilled because now maybe more people would know who he is. I told my everyone in my family they had to watch him. My family was going to be on vacation that week so I had to make sure there was a working vcr so I could tape the show. But then I was checking my messages from the fan club and I noticed people were getting all excited over just seeing him on TV. So of course I e-mailed and found he was coming in person. :-) What was I to do? Luckily a woman gave me the e-mail of the coordinator of MPT. So I took my chances and e-mailed her. I knew that maybe it wouldn't work because I was sure that there were plenty people already lined up to volunteer. But was I wrong again. The loveliest woman e-mailed me back saying there were enough volunteers, but I could come into the studio as a friend of a volunteer. That was that and now I had to tell my parents all about this. I expected them to say "No, we will be on vacation, sorry". But there I was wrong again, they were thrilled for me and were willing to go as well. Well they kind of had to. I mean any guy who when you walk through the door from work everyday and hear his voice, or when you walk up the stairs to go to bed and on you daughters door is a sign saying "Michael Ball fan sleeps here", or every where you turn there is another Michael Ball picture staring at you, like on the ceiling above your bed and inside the cabinets. You know, they told me I was a bit obsessed, but I still don't think I'm that bad. So the week of our vacation came and went by and here we were heading up to Owings Mills. I guess you could say I was somewhat nervous, but not until we were behind a limo and my father was saying "Hey, I bet you that's him, I just have this feeling". We followed the limo all the way up until we had to turn down the road where MPT was. By this time I felt like I swallowed a fan. We pulled into the station, walked in and were greeted by Marie, the woman who got me in. She gave me a button, a magnet, and a picture for him to sign. I owed this woman enough and she was giving me gifts to take home. The Visitors room was very nice, there were tons of Michael Ball fans waiting in there. They were all very sweet and I was glad I got to meet some of them. A little after nine we were led back into the production studio. The volunteers took their seats and everyone waited for Michael to come in. I stood behind the camera's along with my parents, Marie, and a few other people. In a few minutes Michael walked in along with his manager, Phil Bowdery. People clapped and cheered and probably thought they couldn't believe this was happening. But it was. I can't remember all he was saying because I was just looking at him thinking he is so cute. Michael walked out for some reason after a few minutes, he probably said why, but it is all a blur to me. My parents were telling me to go up and say something. But they knew me, there was no way in the world I could possibly just walk up to Michael Ball. Marie, said that I should give him the flowers and the card from everyone. So after a little talking into, I decided I would. I stood there waiting for him to walk in feeling like I was going to faint in a second. And then he walked in... Marie went up to him, I think she was telling him I had something for him. I knew I couldn't get his attention. So he came over said "Hello", took the flowers and then kissed me on the cheek. There will be other boys who will probably kiss me, and they probably be special, like at my wedding, but no, this is a kiss that I will be talking about for the rest of my life. I remember him saying something else, but I can't quite remember. I just remember starting to cry when he said "Oh no, I can't have you crying". So of course I stopped. My parents got a few pictures with Marie, Michael, and myself. Then he walked onto the set because they were starting to air. I watched him for most of the night, watching how he acted around everyone, and made them smile. He is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. It brings him such joy to make people happy, it's like he's not even famous, he's like an old friend. We later got group shots, I again got to stand next to him, I didn't mind or anything, but my luck has never been this good. People got Polaroid's on a coach and everyone was having a great time. Later I remember talking to a producer or something, couldn't catch her name, but she was asking me all these questions like how I found out about him and stuff. I gave her the story and then she called out his name and he walked over. She then proceeded to tell him that I may be one of his youngest fans. Michael looked at me and said "You're 14 right?" I shook my head because that's about all I could do. He looked at the lady and said "Well, she's certainly one of the prettiest." Well, broadcasting was almost over and Michael said he would perform part of a song if they raised enough money. He then sang a little part of "Help Yourself". I have never seen him sing live before so this was obviously an exciting moment as well. The night ended and Michael, unfortunately, left. I know everyone there had a blast because Michael certainly did a great job entertaining everyone. I wish he knew how much fun I had and how special he made me feel. That truly meant a lot, him taking pictures with me and signing the photo Marie asked him for me. I had the best night of my life and I hope everyone else did too. As for Marie she is the nicest woman I ever met, being so generous to a 14 year old she didn't even know and making sure that I got to meet him. Thank you so much, Marie, you made me feel so special too! Becky Editor's
Note: I expect to have Becky's photos in a few days, so be sure to come
back again soon! From Jaime Mills - Pennsylvania, USA Hello all!! Here is the post I promised - my review
of Ballfest Maryland! After a bit of trouble finding the restaurant (it is so new that people weren't sure how to best get there), we finally arrived at Tony Roma's. a half hour late, but we got there!! We asked the host if a group of rowdy Michael Ball fans were there (of course the poor, sheltered guy went "who?") and happily he went and found them. so the three of us walk back and encounter twice as many people as we were expecting!!! It was wonderful! So it was hello's and introductions and "oh my God, 17 hours????!!!!" all around. Unfortunately I can't remember everyone's name! It all went too fast! Of course during dinner the topic of conversation was The Man! Who had seen him, who was going to get to see him in concert soon, why we loved him, and all the normal gushing one does while talking about Michael! We passed around the Thank You card I had bought and everyone signed it. Around 6:30 some people went back to their hotel to do a quick power nap before heading to the studio. About 6 or 7 of us stayed at Tony Roma's to chat instead of going back to our hotels. We headed out to the studio a bit after 7 (luckily had no problem getting there!!) We walk into the lobby, and it is a sea of Michael fans!!!! Some people had T-shirts that said "Have a Ball on PBS", everyone got buttons that said that, and one of the Linda's had beautiful buttons with Michael's face on them that we could buy. Once everyone was there they took us back to the volunteer room (basically our "green room") where they had snacks and drinks and such. we all gathered in little groups to chat, and get to know each other. They had a big screen TV in the room with what was currently going out on air. (Jim Brickman was there when we got there). Anyone who hadn't already signed the card got a chance to, and we got it ready to give to Michael. Since Maria had done such a fantastic job of organizing the MD and the DC trips, and since she was the closest thing we had to a "Fan club president" there with us, we decided to let her give the card to Michael. We waited in the "green room" for about an hour. at one point Michael's manager Phil walked in, and we gave him a round of applause for bringing The Man to us!!! He told us that they just finished working on a new CD that is coming out in a couple of months, and are in the process of putting together a new video that will be out around Christmas. In fact, there was going to be a camera crew at the DC taping Sunday night. (Lucky guys!) And the new CD and Video are going to be released in the US as well as the UK! Woo Hoo!!!! In fact, they are hoping to release all of Michael's CD's in the US. <<Does a happy dance>> One other wonderful bit of news Phil gave us. MICHAEL IS HOPING TO COME TO THE US AND TOUR!!!! Oh the scream that went out after he made that announcement!!! Then Phil left, carrying TWO cups of coffee I might add - oh my, it was so hard to resist the temptation to follow him!!! Just after 9 we saw the opening of the RAH concert come on the big screen TV!!!! (We weren't going to be going in the studio until the just before the first pledge break). There was a cheer, and a frustrated scramble to try to figure out how to un-mute the TV!!!! Just when we got it working and got it good and loud :) some guy in the next room turned on a ball game on the TV in there! I swear everyone looked at the adjoining (open) door and glared! So, since I was the closest, I hopped up and closed the door! =D Well, wouldn't you??? <<grin>> When they finally called us to the studio, you should have seen everyone scramble and jump up, excited to get down there, because we knew that was going to lead us to MICHAEL! We go in, take our seats, (there was actually more of us than there was phones!!!), and nervously waited for The Man to walk in. and then. he appeared! Oh My God! EVERYONE screamed and cheered and gave him this huge, wonderful, noisy welcome! The look on his face was so wonderful! I don't think he was expecting such a reception - he looked so touched and surprised! In face, so were the people working in the studio! They were so impressed with our enthusiasm that they asked us to give him the same welcome when he walked on camera the first pledge break. Needless to say we were more than happy to oblige! Since we had a few minutes before we went on air, he chatted with us for a bit, joking around - he has such a great sense of humor! It was all a little unreal! I don't think most of us could believe that we were so close to him! He was wearing a very smart navy blue suit, with a lighter blue shirt and matching satin-like tie. DROOL! I didn't think it would be possible for him to look any better than all the wonderful pictures I have seen, but let me tell you, the best picture in the world can't hold a candle to seeing that gorgeous man in the flesh! I don't think that the flashes from the cameras clicking away stopped until the people in the studio finally told us that we had to put our camera away when we were on air (but trust me, as soon as they said "studio clear" they came right back out to snap more!)
After that break was over, no one moved even though we were allowed to leave between breaks! As long as Michael was in the studio we weren't' going ANYWHERE! Though he did go back into the little VIP room right off the studio, we still didn't leave for fear of missing him when he came back out, which he did before the next break in plenty of time to sign autographs. He seemed to really love the attention, he was more than happy to sign away, give hugs (and to a few lucky ladies KISSES!). He is so sweet and charming! When he was in the studio waiting for one of the breaks he would chat with us, and joke around - when the Blues Brothers medley came on he did the dance!! (we cheered :)) One thing that he kept doing that was so cute is every time the phone would ring when we weren't on air he would point at it and shout "YES!!!". He had the place in stitches most of the time!
total, we raised almost $18,000 in two hours! The studio was happy,
and Michael was really happy, and proud too I think. They had one
more special treat in store for us - Michael would sing for us. So at
the end of the final pledge break he did an impromptu a capella rendition
of the last couple verses of "Help Yourself", dance and all!
Of course, he sounded fabulous! Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to him then. But we understood,
he was not only jet-lagged (apparently just flew in that day), he also was
still on London time, so 11pm here was really 3am for him. To top it
off the poor guy hadn't eaten dinner yet! So as much as we would love
to have had him stay, we said a happy good-bye, very very thankful just to
have had the two hours we did with him. I so envy those lucky ones
that got to go on to do the DC appearance Sunday night!! I wish I
could have, but it just wasn't possible. I don't really mind though,
those two hours are two that I will never forget! It was so special to not
only meet Michael, but also so many of the wonderful people who are in this
special group, those of us who all have that common bond; our love of
Michael and his music. Even though it was the first time for some of
us meeting face to face, it felt like we've always known each other.
Automatically everyone accepts you, literally welcoming you with open arms.
It is such a beautiful feeling, to feel like you have
Jaime Mills From Joni Arp, Virginia, USA
Hi All,
Whitney Anderson ~ Florida, USA
Photo courtesy of Whitney Anderson Click on photo to see full size ALL RIIIGHT!!! I moped around the house for a day, until my mom, Paula noticed and asked me what was wrong. When I told her, she had much the same reaction as I had - our situation was hopeless, everything was too last minute. But that didn't keep her from trying, either! She knew what a big fan of Michael's I was, and because I'd never asked for anything like this, she realized how important it must be. Between the two of us, we sent dozens of e-mails to PBS stations and coordinators, trying to find some openings. Everyone replied that, unfortunately, all the positions were filled - everyone, that is, except an ANGEL named Marie! Marie, I'm naming my first child after you!!!! By Friday morning I realized that we weren't going to be able to go, no matter how much I wished we could. I was at work when I received a call from my mom, who said, 'I hate to bother you at work, but you're going to want to hear this!' She proceeded to read me an e-mail that assured us that the volunteers could 'always use more help,' and we were welcome to come!!! I, of course, let out a yell (almost giving my boss a heart attack in the process), and began hopping up and down in my seat excitedly. It took some explaining to convince my boss that I hadn't lost my mind (I'm not sure she was ever completely convinced), but I finally explained to her what was happening.
Luckily, both of our bosses have a sense of humor, and they just laughed
and let us get off work early, convinced that we'd gone insane. I don't think my mom's ever seen me as excited as I was that night. All night long, driving through the pouring rain and darkness, I couldn't stop talking about how happy and excited I was! Even when my mom was snoozing in the seat next to me, I couldn't refrain from muttering exclamations of happiness and excitement! At three o'clock in the morning, my mom had to tear me away from the steering wheel when I started to run off the road. Even though I was completely exhausted, I kept thinking, 'every minute is a mile closer to Michael!' Even when she took the wheel, I couldn't sleep. We listened to Michael's music all night long - it kept us awake! We finally arrived in Maryland as dawn was breaking, and realized that we had 12 hours until Michael would even be there! I guess in our haste to get there on time, we'd been a little too eager! Because we couldn't check into the hotel until three, we drove around, taking in the beautiful scenery and getting ourselves completely lost. Finally, the
hotel people took pity on us (we'd asked if the room was ready four times
already), and let us check in a little bit early. We had just enough time
to shower and plop into a chair before the phone rang and a warm, bubbly
personality named Jamie chatted with us. My mom and I had been a bit nervous and apprehensive because we didn't really know anyone who would be there, but that didn't matter one bit! Everyone made us feel exactly like family, and after just a few minutes I felt like I'd known them for years! After
watching our already belated dinner summersault through the air (there was
a slight mishap with the first order), we finally got to eat (of course, I
was too excited to eat much!) We walked into the crowded front lobby and were immediately welcomed by a wonderfully warm and happy person who turned out to be Marie! She introduced us to the rest as the crazies who'd driven overnight at the last moment from Florida, and then proceeded to surprise me even more! As if I wasn't already incredibly happy to be there, my mom had told her that this trip was my birthday present (18 on Wednesday), and Marie had actually gone to the trouble of getting me a gift! She handed a wrapped package which she told me not to open until my birthday, and let me pick out a picture for Michael to sign! Marie, I'm enjoying the present right now - I didn't wait until my birthday - did you expect me to? ;) Of course, by now I was floating on cloud nine! Everyone was astonished that we'd driven so far, and they all greeted us and chatted us like we'd been friends forever! What an absolutely terrific group of people! Thanks for taking pity on the crazy Floridians! Eventually,
we were escorted into the waiting room , where they had snacks set up for
us. Finally, we were led into the phone room, where we chose our phones and tried to contain our excitement! The anticipation was positively tangible! My phone rang right away. This puzzled me a bit, as the program hadn't even started yet, and no one else was receiving calls. But I answered it and took the pledge from the lady on the line. This, of course, meant that I was on the phone when Michael made his entrance (this was a recurring event - Michael came near, and the phone rang. An interesting phenomenon....) The lady on the line got an earful when I started cheering and clapping my hands (with the phone still in them). Luckily, she was very friendly and understanding!! He does look even better in person, if that's possible! I couldn't believe that he was standing right in front of us, talking to us! He looked like such a normal, friendly guy! Well, friendly at least - how could Michael ever be normal!! The evening was absolutely heavenly from there on out. I don't think my feet touched the ground once! Jamie's review will give you an idea of the royal welcome we gave him, and the welcome he gave us! Michael not only signed everyone's autographs, he also took a group picture, individual Polaroid's, and SANG to us!!!!! Sigh!!! And I hadn't
even thought we'd be able to meet him! I was just hoping to catch a glimpse
of him! I couldn't
believe it! I travel 1000 miles to see a man who lives across the ocean,
and his response is the same as the Pizza delivery boy's when I give him my
name! Oh, the irony! I replied
that yes, we had driven from Florida the night before. He said, "oh
really! That's incredible! You must be so tired! I've got a bit of jet lag
myself!" I said yes, exhausted, I hadn't slept yet, but it was worth
it!!! He gave an adorable mini belly laugh as the pleasant but rather
impatient PBS person shooed me on. Oh, the happiness of sharing such
a man's exhaustion! Later, after he left, someone took pity on us and suggested that we leave a little early. We were probably scaring people - not having slept in 48 hours had taken it's toll, and we were having trouble forming coherent sentences!! Luckily, Jamie was a saint and absolved us from all guilt for having to tear her away early! We only got lost twice on the return to the hotel, where we were asleep before our heads hit the pillow! The next morning, I woke up at 7:30, exhausted but too excited to sleep another wink. The following night, my mom and I had decided (she let me convince her) to stay for the D.C. event, regardless of impending deadlines at work. I let her sleep a bit later (I do have a LITTLE self-preservation ;), and we left for D.C. at about 11:30. Unfortunately, we missed the brunch, arriving at the Hilton Twin Towers at about 2:15. We had time to tour the city before Michael's appearance, but decided against it, as we were already very familiar with the area from previous trips. Instead, we ordered the first non-fast-food meal we'd had the entire trip from the restaurant downstairs. If you ever stay at the Arlington Hilton, try the mixed berries and cream and the strawberry shortcake! They're exquisite! I suppose I had dessert, not lunch, but I couldn't pass those up! O.K., enough
about the lunch entrees and on to the stuff you REALLY care about! There was a
bit of trouble when lightning hit the station, and they weren't able to
start airing Michael's performance for a while. I got very nervous during
this time - the phones didn't ring much, and I was afraid the night
wouldn't be as successful as the MPT one had been. He signed autographs and took a few pictures with people, and joked and laughed with everyone. The PBS people were very pleasant. Thanks to Christine for helping us front-rowers with the obscene caller that kept harassing us ;), for taking my picture with Michael, and for promising to track down a copy of the documentary! Christine was very impressed that we'd driven so far - she and everyone kept thanking us. How could we explain that WE were the thankful ones, just to be there! She kept asking if I'd had my picture taken with Michael yet - "you've driven this far, it's the least he can do...", and eventually she dragged me up there and put me next to him. As he was signing the dozens of photos, she caught his attention, saying, "Mr. Ball, this girl has driven..." She didn't even have time to finish before he recognized me, gave me a big hug and a huge smile, and said, "Whitney girl! You're back again!" He laughed, everyone laughed, Christine snapped our picture, and I floated on my merry way. (Thanks to Mary for offering to send us a copy of the pic!!) Oh, something else awesome that I have to tell everyone! Jaime mentioned something about the video they were taping to take back to the UK - guess what!!! They were so impressed that we'd driven so far that they asked me if they could interview me! Imagine my shock! At the time, I thought they were just independent film-makers - if I had known that Michael would see it, I wouldn't have been able to speak! They videotaped me, asking me who I was, where I'd come from, what I liked about Michael, what I was doing, etc. It's all sort of hazy, what I said. When you see the video, be kind - remember my condition! Who can keep their wits around Michael??? After that, a very nice blonde British lady came over and asked me to sign a release form, and we chatted for a while about my trip - she was astonished, too - and Michael. She asked me if I'd met him yet, and said they'd have to make sure I did. Michael left
a bit earlier, due to how tired he was, and we all said a bittersweet
farewell. Thanks again to all the wonderfully kind people we met - you know who you are - my mom and I felt like we were leaving life-long friends when we left! It wouldn't have been half as fun without you all!! And especially thanks to Michael, for whom it must have been more than a little nerve-wracking to come back to the US after an absence of 10 years (he handled it like a pro - he has a GREAT sense of humor!) Here's hoping that we convinced him to come do a tour of the US!!!! Best
wishes to all our new friends - we'll drive 2000 miles again in a heartbeat
if duty calls!!