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cannot understand the profound effect
one life can have on so many.
Others cannot imagine one day
without the comfort he can bring.
Our worlds are connected by a fabric,
carefully woven from fine thread.
We are all the same, seeking to find
passion and meaning in our worlds.
Some of us are lucky to have found someone to
express in voice what we feel in our hearts.
Everyone should be so fortunate
to stumble upon a treasure so rare as ours.
It is a simple task: just listen.
He can open eyes, strengthen will, and
soften hearts with one glorious note.
People go through life wondering if they can
find something to keep and inspire them.
Give them the gift of music and allow it
to work its wonders.
Such a small gesture can yield
tremendous rewards, because
When someone truly hears, reaching the soul
is inevitable for Michael's precious voice.
Everyone deserves to have their soul
be touched by something wonderful!
(Just a little me for all of you)
Marcia Lewis
Georgia, USA
22, 1999

Heart. Mind. Music. Ears. Soul.
We are so full, aching and longing to be as complete
and pure as the notes you give.
They touch a place in our souls we never knew existed.
Your spirit allows the words to come alive for us.
Keeping that part of you alive as the lyrics you choose
hit us with their intensity.
We carry the passion as a drink to our worlds,
sharing it with those around us.
In turn, they too can and do benefit from you.
Lives who may never connect, but share one vital link:
the music
Just a thank you to Michael for all he gives us everyday!
Marcia Lewis
16, 1999

He sings of a rose
Breaking through the harsh snow.
He teaches that love
Changes all that we know.
He's shown through his life
That a dream can be ours,
To turn our eyes upward
And shoot for the stars.
He holds on to memories
Of those he holds dear
And Isn't afraid
To unveil his fear.
This Christmas he shares
That the time is at hand
To face one another
And stretch out our hand.
The love that he shows
To his family and friends
Is a shining example
Of how love begins.
His arms are strong
But his heart even stronger.
He's taught me to love life
And love him much longer.
Linda Zacharyczuk
York, USA
13, 1999
p.s. I know "you" would fit in this
poem as well but it seemed to flow better this way. If, by chance,
Michael ever reads this I would ask that he put in "you".

Once Was...
once was a Michael named Ball,
Drove women (like me) up the wall.
His fans were obsessed,
'Cause they thought him the best,
The damned finest voice of them all.
13, 1999

To Cathy
I wish that I could meet you
And thank you face to face
For coming into Michael's life
To help him find his place.
I know it's not one-sided
I know you're grateful too.
He has made it very clear
How much he cares for you.
You've given Michael happiness,
A place to call his own.
With you he's learned to trust again
With you his heart is home.
So thank you, Cathy, from my heart,
Because I love him too.
The music that he shares with us
Is his love song to you.
York, USA
14, 1999

I thought I'd get
into the act
Because Michael's the
best and that's a fact!!
Traveling Yonder
Terri O' Donnell
12, 1999

His angelic voice captured me
Haunted me night and day
I longed to know who's voice it was
That touched me in such a way
One fateful day I saw his face,
His mischievous boyish smile
And I realized right then and there
that my search was worth the while
God blessed this man with looks and voice
And kindness most of all
So now I know who my angel is
And his name is Michael Ball
Michelle McCormick
13, 1999

Your Music
Within your music I find so many things.
Comfort when my life is ruled by my fear,
A smile when trouble clouds my whole world,
But most of all the memories I hold so dear.
Your music sends me on a trip to the past.
There I find times when life was carefree.
The gift you've shared with the whole world
Has allowed those memories to stay with me.
Without your music they would be lost forever.
How do I thank you; words seem to fail me now.
You've given me so much, yet I can give so little.
With my poems, I am thanking you the only way I know how.
You've sung these two lines countless times before.
Within one summer my one truth those lines became.
Live or perish in its flame!
Love will never, never let you be the same!
1, 2000
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