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Sort of a Fan
It was a sort of a, kind of
a, gray afternoon,
when even the birds didn't sing in tune,
I was hanging around doing nothing at all,
then fate took a hand and I heard Michael Ball.
He made other singers look too straight - not cool,
I listen to him now and my heart plays the fool,
but I wasn't looking for a hero, wasn't hoping to score,
my ante in the fan stakes was kinda less not more.
He sang like an angel sorta beckoning me,
I threw scruples aside, his voice a beacon to me,
so what can I say, I'm kinda hooked like a fish,
he's there singing in swing time - my kinda dish.
I'm here like a loony, how much more can I take?
I feel like a beached whale - kinda lost, half baked,
'cos I wasn't looking for a crush, wasn't hoping to score,
My ante in the fan stakes was kinda less not more.
Luv and even more hugs
10, 1999

love you, Michael
We won't try to control you, or hold you too tight,
won't put shackles upon you-- you'll just start and take flight.
We want to show love for you by setting you free,
we don't want to lose you, so will just let you be.
We'll watch you glide through the air, you don't need a trapeze,
we'll see you sliding down rainbows because love's set you free.
Who would capture your spirit and cage it with love?
Your heart's meant to soar, free as kites high above;
caged canaries sing begging for freedom from pain,
they sing broken hearted again and again.
We'll watch you glide through the air, you don't need a trapeze,
we'll see you sliding down rainbows because love's set you free.
We need to hold you but not grip you too tight,
your heart needs to take wing like an eagle in flight.
We won't stay insecure hoping a prison's the way
to be in control of your love every night, every day.
We'll let go of your heart strings and lay them by ours,
watching you ride your own dreams upon Froggatt's flying horse.
Come glide through the air, we won't need a trapeze,
join us sliding down rainbows because love's set us free,
come glide through the air, we won't need a trapeze,
we'll all slide down rainbows, our love's set us free.
25, 1999

Love Changes Everything
I called for help, faithfully you came
and pulled me through,
I hear your cry and here I am,
as each of us are there for you.
Don't keep your pain within,
freedom comes again, when
you share you hurt, your grief,
distress or wretchedness.
Then has Mankind cause yet for hopefulness,
for we, the women, are, again, and still,
its very salvation,
the caring heart of our domains
the thoughtful souls of
every nation.
Pray we then, or hold to it, each of us, until
peace and joy will bring
the knowledge that, truly,
our love changes everything.
20, 1999

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