From Heather, who was with our Ballfest group for the last weekend of "The Scarlet Pimpernel" in Los Angeles: Last Hugs - for now anyway! Heather and Douglas Douglas and me
And from my own collection: I have used thumbnail pictures in most cases so you will have to click on them to see them full sized (except the one of Douglas and William), but it allows me to use more pics on the page, and you will see them better besides! Photo List - Saturday:
Matt Farver and me
William and me (Note, the world's worst photo of me, but it's great of William, so I had to include it!)
Margie and Douglas
Douglas and me
Photo List - Sunday
Matt Shepard and Samantha (Note: not too good, but the only one I have of Sam and Matt. He was Percy the first time she saw the show, so I had to include it here. Sorry Sam and Matt!)
Samantha, DB Bonds, and me
Elizabeth Ward Land with Samantha (Subtitled SP Redheads)
Douglas Sills and William Paul Michals (Full Size!)
For further info about The Scarlet Pimpernel, Douglas or William:
Scarlet Pimpernel: http://www.thepimpernel.com/welcome.shtml
Douglas: Mailing List: DouglasSills@egroups.com Updates
List: dsillsupdates@egroups.com
William Paul Michals Mailing List: http://www.egroups.com/group/williampaulmichalsfansWebsite: Website:
This page is dedicated with love to Douglas Sills, William Paul Michals, DB Bonds, Matt Shepard, Elizabeth Ward Land, Matt Farver, and the entire cast of Scarlet Pimpernel 04 - who have given my family, our friends and my Ballfest Buddies so many wonderful memories. Merrill, Samantha and I are so glad you are and have been a part of our lives!
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