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From Linda Zacharyczuk ~ New
Jersey, USA
August 14, 2000
Hi Everyone,
I do have a special story from the Connecticut PBS show that I want to
share. I decided to share it here as perhaps it will reach others
that need encouragement.
I had made a decision to ask a special favor of Michael at the CT show but
was afraid I would chicken out at the last minute, so I decided to put the
request in a card that I was giving him to say goodbye. The message
read something like this:
"Michael, would you ask me to please stop smoking as I know that I
will never break a promise to you. I'm having difficulty quitting and
this would do it for me." I also put a picture of myself in the
card to help him find me if he wanted.
The evening progressed as many of you have read in reports. I had
many wonderful photo opportunities with Michael but nothing was said and I
was unsure whether to say something myself. Finally it looked like he
was getting ready to leave so I came up behind him and said, " Michael
will you ask me to stop smoking, please?" He whirled around with
a sudden look of recognition and took me by my arms and said, "No,
Linda, I won't ask you to stop, I'm telling you
to stop. I will be VERY upset if you don't stop!" Needless
to say, he took my breath away. Then I told him that I promised never
to smoke again and that I would never break my promise to him. He
looked right at me and said, "I hope not as I will be very
disappointed if you do". Then he gave me that wonderful smile, a
big bear hug, and a kiss on the cheek ( I kissed his back by the way).
My best friend, Lynda was standing next to us and he took her arm saying
,"I'm counting on you to make sure she doesn't".
It has now been five days without smoking and, although I won't pretend
it's easy, it has been easier then I thought as I just look at a picture of
Michael and remember my promise. I even have one in the visor of my
car to help when the urges hit. I won't say so far so good as I know
I am really finished. What an amazing and healing man is our
Michael!!!! For one brief encounter I felt like I was really a friend
of Michael's and know that he really cares. As I know he does care
about all of us, he's just incredibly special that way.
Ultimately, I hope my story can help others as much as it has helped me
break this awful smoking addiction.
Linda Z (Zacharyczuk)

Michael's fans have been sending
messages of hope, support and encouragement

Your message really touched me! Michael is so sweet,
I wouldn't be able to break a promise to him either! Keep up the good work!
Marcia - Georgia, USA
Linda's reply:
Marcia, Thanks so much for your encouragement! He truly is
the sweetest man I've ever met. Hope you don't mind that I posted
privately as I know we've had a large number of postings on the list
lately. Thanks again, Linda Z

To Linda - With Michael's encouragement and
your "will power", you will succeed in breaking your smoking
habit. I quit 13 years ago, and have never felt better. I had
smoked for 34 years, and watched my Dad have surgery for lung cancer, which
gave him 12 more years of life. Cigarettes are not worth it.
Keep up the good work!!! Each day will be a "little" easier.
So glad
that you and all the other girls had such a wonderful time with
Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure enjoy the RAH video.
Nancy Nichols

Linda: Thank you for sharing your pledge and how
Michael reacted to your request. He truly is a very special and
remarkable person. From the reports I have read this past week,
it seems like Michael is totally sincere and cares about
everyone. I am behind you all the way to quit
smoking and pray that it will be an easy task for me. It is great
that Michael has not started up again, so the two of you
together can make it okay. Alilee - Alabama USA

Let me add my congrats also on quitting smoking - from one
former smoker to another - WAY TO GO!! :-) Kathleen
a/k/a Kruss - Illinois USA
Reply from Linda:
Hi Kathleen and Everyone, I can't believe all of the support and
encouragement I've received from this group in such a short period of
time. You guys are incredible!!! I have to admit that I am
finding it a little bit harder since getting home but your messages have
REALLY helped. Our Michael gathers only the very best fans, that is
easy to see. Thanks to all!! Hugs, Linda Z

Hi Linda Z,
I just read your CT story. I am so glad you thought to ask Michael
for encouragement to help you to stop smoking. Some people just have
those special qualities that let their light shine through and the BEST
part is they share that light and others catch the rays and feel the
warmth. Michael is blessed with that capacity. Being in his
presence in the PBS setting was was an extraordinary opportunity for us. I
will cherish it always. It was so wonderful of him to connect with
you and I bet you could feel his empathy since he is going through the same
thing having recently quit smoking.
I agree with you that Michael has that healing power. He has it though his
music and now as we have witnessed first hand, he has it through his
humanity. Love, Linda /PA/USA

Awww, Linda!
That was a GREAT story - thanks for sharing it with us! Now aren't
you glad you worked up the courage to ask him in the first place?
Anyone who can think of something that original to say to the man must have
what it takes to achieve their goal! Of course, a little help from
your "friends" can't hurt either! ;-) Can I make a
suggestion? When you're getting those "urges" and you look
to those photos of Michael for reassurance and support, why not also think
of him singing "I'll Be There For You"? Sounds as if he
will be! :-)
Congratulations and Good Luck! You CAN do it! Cheryl - Illinois,

Linda, thank you for sharing your wonderful story. It
brought tears to my eyes when reading it. What a guy that Michael
Ball is, huh? Good luck with not smoking. It isn't easy but
definitely worth it. Terri - California, USA :)

Congratulations Linda! When I met you in NY less than
a week ago you were a smoker, and now you are smoke-free! You should
be very proud of yourself. One of Michael's most endearing qualities is the
sincerity with which he expresses himself. I am sure that he is
cheering you on, especially since he is all too familiar with the challenge
that you face. We all know that you can do it. It was wonderful
to meet you and my wish for you is the following: When we meet again,
may the cigarettes be a distant memory, but inspiration behind your
decision to give them up, be ever-present! B4N, Gail - New
York USA

Hi everyone, I would like to add my
congratulations to Linda on her decision to stop smoking. What a
great story. Just goes to show what a wonderful person Michael is. Every
time you get the urge to smoke Linda, think not only of your promise to
Michael but also remember we are all thinking of you and how disappointed
you, as well as all of us, will be if you decide to "light up".
As the song goes "....if I can do it, if I just believe it.
There's nothing to it" (or something like that from "I believe I
can fly"). Well, the last sentence doesn't actually describe how
hard it will be, but the thought is there....lol.
Best wishes to you Linda, you have made a great decision.
regards Joan - Australia
Thanks Joan, I absolutely love that
song as it makes me think of Michael's strength and courage. It
would be nice to live up to that image. Thanks again, Linda Z

Love Sue - England
Thanks for the

I am so glad you shared that story and I wish you success in your
quitting. Your story was very touching and I too hope it encourages
others to stop smoking. Having being there when my father drew his last
breath 15 years ago when he died from lung cancer I can tell you that it is
a heart wrenching experience that I can still remember clearly to this day.
Then watching my husband's aunt die from the same thing this month was just
as heart wrenching. She was a heavy smoker as was my dad. By the time the
cancer was discovered if she hadn't had immediate chemo/radiation they said
she would have been dead within two weeks. Unfortunately because of other
complications from the chemo and a bad heart she was dead in about two
weeks any way. As it turned out my daughter and niece were the only ones
there when she died. I won't go into details but she had to be resuscitated
and then the
machines were turned off and my daughter held her hand until she died a
half hour later. No one should have to go through that or watch someone go
through that because of cigarettes.
Maybe your story and what I have just written will help others. I know
quitting is hard but I pray that those who try to quit succeed and I hope
Michael sticks with it because I'm sure his voice and lungs will be happy
he did. Take care. Martha - Michigan USA
Thank you for your encouragement, Martha!
I have to admit that I found it a little difficult to post it knowing
everyone would know my struggle but I also knew I was among real friends.
Thank you for sharing your painful stories and maybe, with Michael's
help, we can prevent more from happening. Thanks again, Linda Z

Linda, that is absolutely *WONDERFUL*!! Yay!! I really
hope you stick to it.
I've seen so many family members succumb to lung cancer, and it's horrible.
You're so much stronger than all of that! GO YOU!! And as (I believe
it was) Joan said, think of that song "I Believe I Can Fly"!!
Totally can give you courage. I love the song, it was my Bat Mitzvah song.
But not the Michael version...a) I didn't know who he was at the time (I
discovered him a year later) and b) he hadn't recorded it yet anyway, he he
(it was '97) Great Job!!
Love Always, Laura :)New York/USA =)
Note from Linda: Well
put, Linda! He is truly an inspiration! I could definitely
feel his empathy as well as his determination that neither he nor I will
fail at this. Powerful energy!! Thanks Linda Z

Hi, Linda! Bless you, girl, for taking that
important first step to quit smoking!
Telling Michael was a stroke of genius! :) I wish you lots of
success. I quit 12 or 13 years ago, and it was hard, but well worth
it. I felt better, more energetic almost immediately.
Also, it had started to affect my voice, but fortunately, my voice returned
to its pre-smoking state. (another reason I'm glad Michael has quit!) Keep
it up, Linda! You CAN do it!
Hugs! Terri :) New
York, USA

Hi Linda, I was really amazed at your courage in
wanting to quit, and doing something about it. Many people say they
will quit, and then find it too difficult, and start again. But you
have done something that is wonderful, for both you and your family.
This is another reason why people is so good to look up to.
He seemed genuinely interested and affected by your request, and I think
that is remarkable.
I wish you all the luck, and know that your courage means
something, and it will take you to a better place in the end!
Congrats!!! Elaine - New York USA

Linda, Your story was inspirational, and as one more former
smoker, I can relate. What a creative way to seek support!
Please let us know how you feel a week from now, a month from now, and then
a year from now. =)
Best, Joyce in Ohio USA a/k/a Meredith

Linda, I can only say, Good Luck, we know you can do it!!!
Ivette den Butter - Netherlands

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