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[ Pittsburg Page 2 ]

a Ball in Pennsylvania
A Family 3-Generation Ballfesting
"Both mine and my sister's
husbands will be away Saturday so
we are having a mini Ballfest. 3 Michael videos and lots of food and
we are
all even spending the night! There will be 8 of us in all. My mother
is 74
and she can't wait. She just loves him. She tells all her bingo ladies
him. She asked us once if he was married and we told her what we knew about
Cathy. Her response was "I think it would be nice if they were
married but
at least he knows older women are better." God love her."

see the rest of the photos on our next page:
Pittsburg 2
Ballfesting in Plainfield, Indiana - July 99
Contents Page 2
Contents Page 3