After dinner, it was off to the show! Southland Theatre Artists Goodwill Event S.T.A.G.E. Concert - Cal State L.A. - March 4, 2000 At the S.T.A.G.E. Cast Party There was a great auction in the lobby. No one in our group bid for anything, at least I don't think anyone bid for anything. Did anyone bid on anything? There was a poster of "Annie Get Your Gun" signed by the cast, the LA production of "Les Miserables" signed by the cast, and a few others as well. There were also drawings by several actors.
After the show, at the reception, we met several stars. One prominent one was David Burnham, since Jackie wanted to see him. He was very nice to take a photo op with us. We also met Betty Garrett, Carole Cook, Bill Hutton, and of course Robert Cuccioli. Pictures were taken and also autographs were gotten. Note: Margie's Review is continued on the next page.
From my Ballfest Photo Album:
Note: Click on pictures to see full size
David Burnham Bill Hutton, me and David
Bill was the original "Joseph" on Broadway - David starred in the Canadian National tour