Original Ballfest Newsletter Archives October
7, 1997 Bremerton,
Washington The First Ever Great
Pacific Northwest MBallFest Happening and Historic Bear Marius Signing Event
took place yesterday, beginning at about 11:10 AM, when our hostess, Crys,
picked up my husband and me, and we all headed for the Seattle ferry, after
first preserving Crys's arrival forever and all times on video tape! The Big M, already the
group's official photographer, filmed the
After a *rather lengthy
wait*, a suitable table by the windows became We all ordered lunch, and
then passed around books, albums, photos and things that folks had brought to
share, including an almost exact duplicate of the album I had made for Karen lee
Gay after our successful birthday/postcard campaign for her daughter Nicole in
August of this year. It included
many photos and intros and letters and lots of info about Michael as well as
lots of other stuff which will hopefully keep her reading forever, or nearly so! Our trusty photographer was
kept busy filming a video, and also taking a few snapshots for our own "Michael
and Friends" photo album. After lunch, we all wrote
messages on a postcard, depicting a Seattle landmark, for our sister group in
southern California, and it was mailed yesterday to Linda, from California...who
will be hostessing the Southern California Holiday MBallFest and BBQ on November
30 of this year at her home in Los Angeles County ...to which all of you who
might be in that area at that time are invited.
We are expecting a lovely turnout for that event as well. We also all wrote Christmas messages to Michael on that charming little fellow, Bear Marius, who
had arrived at my home quite early one morning late last week.
This event was also recorded on videotape. We made some plans for
future blasts to be held on a fairly regular monthly basis, rotating among our
homes and featuring pot luck lunches, BBQ's in good weather, and a hot tub party
at my place sometime next year, with other ideas being added as we think of
them!!! We will then be able to
include Michael in an even bigger way...by showing his videos, and listening to
his CD's and sharing Michael stories - especially the accounts and photos of the
fall concerts, since we have at least one of our members attending several of
them. M, Crys and I caught the
3:40 PM ferry back to Bremerton...and so it was farewell until November to our
little group. Ballfest 2 will take
place in November and will be hosted by our fellow list member, Debbie. We all had a terrific
time...it was wonderful meeting such a great group of folks who were brought
together through our mutual love of Michael, but, as you might surmise...we find
we share many other interests as well...the most obvious perhaps being our love
of musical theatre, and of just plain having fun, and meeting new and
interesting people. Thanks to each and every
one of you who attended...you made a dream come true for me! It is our fond hope that
some of you in other places will want to give some thought to doing something
similar in your own homelands or home states.
We could then perhaps swap videos and photos of our Ballfests to be shown
at future meetings, as well as postcards or greeting cards to be placed in
a BallFest Album to be enjoyed at future get-togethers. Love and Hugs...Jackie -
hoping you will all find a pal to share a This page is dedicated with love to my First Ballfest Buddy - Crys Ager - who was also my very first MB Fan friend, and who helped me get Ballfesting started in the first place! We met first in our local laundromat, and Crys actually let me borrow a ton of her Michael things to enjoy until I could afford to buy my own! Together we decided it might be fun to contact other Michael fans in the greater Seattle area, and perhaps we could all share our collections of Michael memorabilia, photos and memories, while promoting Michael, Ballfesting and friendships. A busy well-lit Seattle waterfront restaurant was chosen, Seattle people selected from Tricia's Roster were invited...and Ballfesting happened. That was in the early summer of 1997...and on August 16, 2000, Merrill, Crys and I celebrated a belated third anniversary Ballfest Dinner! Contents Contents Page 2 Contents Page 3