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I am a twenty one year old from England.  I live in the Midlands, currently in Bromsgrove, (the town of Michael Ball's birth) but I am moving to Solihull in August.  I have a place to read English at King's College London after gaining A grades in English Literature, History, Theatre Studies and Statistics at A Level and Pure Mathematica and General Studies AS Level.  However, due to illness, I have had several years out and am currently working for the British and European Societies for Human Genetics.  I ultimately want to work in theatre - I have Grade 8 singing with merit and qualified with honours as a drama teacher in 1997.  I sing both in a local choir, with whom I recently toured New York, and the British Methodist Youth Choir.

I have been a strict vegetarian since 1989 and Linda McCartney is a particular heroine of mine. Other issues for which I care particularly are woman's rights, and fair trade. I am an avid reader and get through several novels a week. I have just read Vikram Seth's 'A Suitable Boy' which,  despite being the longest novel in the English language,  was wonderful!  I did not want it to end. I generally go to the cinema about twice a week with a friend I made in hospital.  My most recent favourite was 'Gladiator' which I saw last week but I have enjoyed a lot of films recently including 'Magnolia' and 'The End of the Affair'.  I love the theatre and go as often as I can.  On Friday I was privileged to see Ralph Fiennes in 'Richard II'.   I love listening to the radio but rarely watch television.  The only programme I ever watch at the moment is ER.


I have been a fan of Michael for several years and I love musicals.  My favourites are "Martin Guerre", "Jesus Christ Superstar", and both versions of "Whistle Down the Wind"  (I played the lead role in an amateur production of the original (non ALW) version in 1997). I also love both the novel and the musical of "Les Miz" and my two guinea pigs are named Eponine and Cosette in it's honour!  I have been e-mailing since 1997 and have had many wonderful opportunities open to me because of friendships I have made.  In 1998, I visited Jackie in Bremerton and in 1999 I was lucky enough to be the only English delegate at Ballfest 99.  I have also been the recipient of an unimaginable amount of support during my year in hospital.  I couldn't have done it without you all - Thank you :-)

Linda Bates

Note: Photos courtesy of Linda Bates

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