Ballfesting in Bremerton with Richard & Leslie Sy-Facunda April, 2000 Posted to the BallfestNews list April 4, 2000
We spent Sunday just visiting, talking, touring our house, looking at Ballfest pictures, playbills, and talking about all the years that had passed since we had first met online. We had dinner and took them to the ferry as they had tickets for the evening performance of Scarlet Pimpernel. They loved it, and found Douglas to be all I had ever said he was. After the show, they visited with William for awhile, and then Douglas somehow managed to get out sooner than usual. He remembered them from our conversation the night before, and really gave them a wonderfully warm welcome, and a nice personalized note in their program. They both felt that that evening was the highlight of their US trip and have become Douglas/SP fans for life!
They spent both yesterday and today here, Merrill and Richard cooked dinner last night, a delicious clam and pasta dish, and tonight we fixed a spaghetti dinner and ate by candlelight both nights, still marveling that we had met online so long ago, and only because both Richard and I were both Michael Ball fans.
I don't know where the time went, only that we had a wonderful four day Ballfest, one that included Scarlet Pimpernel, Douglas Sills, and 3 new SP cast member pals! We listened to Michael and other CDs, watched Michael and other videos, looked at Ballfest photos, reminisced about years past, planned for future get-togethers and had the most wonderful 4 days imaginable. It was a Ballfest to remember for always, and was one of the best and most exciting weekends I can remember, filled with friends and love and sharing and fun, talking, laughing, and a huge heartfelt thanks to Michael, for without him, none of this could possibly ever have happened.
Now that we have cast member friends "on the inside" who are able to help us carry out some of our little surprises, and Douglas hasn't got a clue, this should be one really fun weekend for everyone both on stage and off.
Our Bay area Ballfest group has some things planned for Friday, and for earlier on Saturday, then there will be dinner and the show, and stage door fun, followed by more Ballfesting on Sunday. I have no idea what we will be doing, but you can be sure you will all hear about it when we all come back down to earth next week. 58 hours guys!!!! and who's picking up the carnations?
In other news ~Thanks to our Ballfest friends that we finally "met" in person for the first time, Solas, Marilyn & Stu, and cast members Matt, D B and William for making our weekend so fabulous and for making the visit to Seattle so memorable for Leslie and Richard.
Love, hugs and God bless, Jackie :-)